2nd November
Within film there's a general paradigm used (a 3 act structure). This is generally split by 30 minuets for the setup, then the next 60 minuets is the confrontation, followed by the last 30 minuets being the resolution. In the setup the characters will be introduced, along with the location. As well, the mood and plot will be introduced. During the confrontation the plot is taken a new direction and has a series of incidents involving action, suspense and delay. After the protagonist has gone through these events, the resolution can begin. In this their goals will be achieved.

A good example of this is Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. it introduces the setting as a village in the Victorian era and the main character Victor, who is about to wed Victoria. At first they do not want to marry as it is an arranged marriage, but after meeting they can not wait. However, Victor is sent off into the woods to practice his vows where he unknowingly recites his vows to a Corpse Bride. This is where the twist in the plot begins, as she believes he has just married her and so she does everything in her power to keep him with her and the other corpses. The plot thickens, the vows are until death do us part, Victor would have to die in order for them to be truly married and so being a man of his word he decides he will die in order to be her husband. The resolution happens when the Corpse Bride stops the wedding as she realises she had her chance and shes stopping Victoria's, thus the plot has returned to the original storyline.
When developing characters, there are 3 main elements that go into making it. There needs to be a protagonist and antagonist and dialogue.
Victor is the protagonist as explained above and Lord Barkis is the antagonist as he tries to marry Victoria after Victor disappears for her money. However, after finding she has none he becomes enraged and at Victoria and Victors wedding a fight breaks out. Whilst this is going on it is revealed that it was Barkis who killed the Corpse Bride and took off with all her money and would do the same to Victoria. However he eventually gets what he deserves as he swallows poison, thinking its a drink. Therefor dieing and leaving the corpses to have their revenge.
The voice of Victor is very jumpy suggesting his character is very on edge compared to the antagonists, who enunciates every syllable sounding posher and snobbier. From the dialogue as well you can tell that Victoria is very proper compared to the Corpse Bride. These small details help build a more well rounded character and thus they are very original and not stereotype.
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