Stamping: put paper down first and block on top
Rubbing: put the block first and then paper on top
The earliest book using this method with a verified date is the Diamond Sutra 868 CE.
The next process is with movable type and is thought to have been invented in China by Bi Sheng around 1050 CE, but as there are no surviving books this is just speculation. If this is true the oldest printed books are most likely a Buddhist religious text from the 11th century. This method is done by using singular letters and characters set up in lines or pages. This made the need for carving obsolete and shaved a lot of time off of printing.
Johann Gutenberg is thought to be the creator of mass printing. before him books in Europe were mostly copied by hand or using a very time consuming method. His invention meant that books could reach wider regions and so they became cheaper. The bible he printed is dated to 1455. Due to this information, i believe that in terms of innervation this was the most important book made, as it laid the foundations for mass produced books in which we know today.
The next key principle I will talk about, is all about how I perceive myself as an illustrator and where I believe I am. At this stage of my education, I would be a fool to consider myself an expert as I'm still learning, but I do believe I am competent. I am a good worker and i believe I have background knowledge in this profession. My skills are obviously not at a point in which I can be happy with, but I believe my ideas are good. However, as much as I might love an idea due to my limitations through the skills I have my final outcomes are not always refined enough. Using a project I did in college as an example I will show how my outcomes are more that of a beginners, than someone who is competent.
I would say that although I am capable of completing tasks independently, my confidence is too low to trust my own judgment. Therefore, I often ask teachers for advice, but this is often useful in exploring other options. I think what makes me a lot more competent is the use of action plans. After the project I did in college I started using these a lot more. I know what goals I need to achieve and to help achieve these, I break work into smaller tasks. This way I can easily manage them through out the day, and I don't feel overwhelmed.
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